Je bent hier: Oldtimer evenementen > 37th Carovana Romantica: from Peak of Alps to the Italian Riviera

37th Carovana Romantica: from Peak of Alps to the Italian Riviera



vrijdag 7 juni 2019 t.e.m. zaterdag 15 juni 2019

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11027 Italien (IT)

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Ferdinando Alfieri
Tel. 0039 081 19168786
Stuur e-mail


The 37th Carovana Romantica will take place from 7th to 15th June in the three amazing regions of Valle d'Aosta, Piedmont and Liguria. From the Peak of the Alps and its pearl, Courmayeur, we'll go down through the fortresses of Valle d'Aosta and then reach Piedmont. Hier in the Unesco Wine region and homeland of Slow Food Langhe and Roero we'll experience the ancient gastronomy traditions of these sweet hills. In the last days, we'll reach the Mediterranean Sea on the Italian Riviera, till the luxury city of Sanremo with its lush gardens.
As always in a friendly relaxed atmosphere, with good food and wines and the best of the Italian culture and folklore!


bezoek website


Ferdinando Alfieri
Tel. 0039 081 19168786
Stuur e-mail

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