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Classic Marathon, Ieper - Cortina d'Ampezzo
14 juni 2008


Ieper was de startplaats voor de oldtimerrit CLASSIC MARATHON.
Een prestigieuze oldtimerrally welke in 2008 tussen Ieper en Italië gereden wordt.
When the first Pirelli Classic Marathon was flagged away from London’s Tower Bridge on a bright and sunny Sunday in June 1988, it was the start of something very special.
It was a plan that captured not only the imagination of countless enthusiasts, but also many of rallying’s past heroes – Stirling Moss, Roger Clark, Timo Makinen, Paddy Hopkirk, Paul Easter and Willy Cave to name but a few were all keen to come out of retirement to relive former glories. The spirit of that memorable week - great driving experiences, breathtaking scenery and unforgettable moments - was captured by a BBC documentary called “The Great Chase”. Shown in over 70 different countries, this film helped put the world of classic rallying well and truly on the map.
Since then, the Classic Marathon has built upon the success of that pioneering first event and has given some 1600 crews over 50,000 km’s of competitive motoring in 18 different countries. Throughout this period, the event has remained true to its original spirit, providing classic car enthusiasts with an unrivalled mix of varied driving challenges and superb hospitality combined with the camaraderie born from the spirit of competition. The event’s enduring popularity and reputation was recognised in 2004 when the 16th Classic Marathon to Norway won the prestigious "International Road Rally of the Year" award.
Having explored the length and breadth of Europe and North Africa during the last two decades, it is only right that for its 20th Anniversary year, the Classic Marathon should return to its spiritual home in the Dolomites and revisit the famous passes that gave the event its place in history.

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